Cell Capture/Cell Sorting Chip
The Spiral Cell Sorting Chip is an innovative forefront microfluidic technology. Its unique design incorporates a spiral-shaped microchannel, enabling efficient continuous separation of suspended particles or cells by adjusting fluid velocity and spiral structure. This technology, renowned for its outstanding sorting efficiency, compact device size, and flexibility, finds extensive applications in cell sorting, particle separation, and biomedical research. This article delves into the principles, design features, and application areas of the Spiral Sorting Chip, with a particular focus on its significance in capturing circulating tumor cells (CTCs) for cancer research.
The core principle of cell capture chips combines microfluidic technology with cell biology. Microfluidic technology enables precise control of fluids through small channels and microstructures, while cell biology focuses on the structure, function, and interactions of cells. Cell capture chips typically feature small channels and surface microtextures that facilitate the efficient capture, positioning, and fixation of cells under specific conditions. These chips can selectively capture specific types of cells through functionalized surfaces, enabling precise sorting of heterogeneous cell populations.
微流体技术的不断进步推动了生物芯片领域的发展,其中DLD(Deterministic lateral displacement)分选芯片作为一项创新技术,为细胞分选领域带来了新的可能性。 本文将详细介绍DLD分选芯片的原理、优势、应用领域以及未来发展趋势。 一、细胞分选芯片的原理 DLD分选芯片采用了独特的DLD技术,即位移导向分选技术,其原理基于微小颗粒在微流控通道中的运动行为。 DLD分选芯片的微通道表面设计了一系列微米级的障碍物,这些障碍物能够在微小液体流动中导致颗粒的偏移,从而实现对颗粒的分选。 当细胞通过微通道时,其形态和柔韧性的不同将导致在DLD结构中产生不同的偏移,从而实现对细胞…
构建一种灌胶简便的微流控芯片,用于细胞的三维培养,并可实现多参数调控细胞微环境,用于研究细胞不同的应激反应。同时,还考察该芯片形成稳定的浓度梯度和压力梯度的效果。 设计了一个由 3 通道 组成的微流控芯片构型,整个微通道的高度为 220 μm。 中间通道用于细胞三维支架的构建,宽为 400 μm,2 个旁通道用于细胞培养液的更新、生化因子的浓度梯度以及压力梯度的 生 成,宽 均 为 500 μm,旁通道与中间通道之间分别由 4 个斜型微 横桥连接,微横桥直径为 250 μm,作用是实现细胞与培养基的物质交换,以及施加对细胞的物理化学 刺激。 同时由于微横桥的尺寸较小,通过毛细力的作用避免了水凝…
The electric field cell sorting chip is a microfluidic chip that utilizes the action of an electric field on charged particles to achieve efficient and rapid sorting of particles in a sample. By establishing an electric field within the chip, charged particles generate electric field forces under the influence of the electric field, propelling their migration along the direction of the electric field within the chip. This sorting technology finds wide applications in biomedical research, particle analysis, and more, enabling selective sorting of different particles. The electric field sorting chip offers advantages such as high precision, real-time processing, and high throughput, making it a flexible and effective means for the rapid sorting of microparticles.
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